Tuesday, February 11, 2020

It's Your Birthday : An Simple Letter to You

My Dearest Isaac,
I find myself sitting here going through every photo I own of us together over the past two and a half years. Each one holds such a powerful and life-changing memory for us. It is amazing to see how much my love for you has grown over the years. As the hardships and trials come, you continue to mold and grow into the lover and partner that I want and need. Through your example, you have taught me the value and necessity of being emotionally and spiritually present in a relationship. 
When I look back, I think about the circumstances in which we met. I think about how many things had to fall into place in order for us to meet. We made so many decisions independently that eventually lead us to each other and I am grateful for that every day. 
Right now it is hard not to be angry. I hate not being able to wake up next to you and sing you happy birthday. I hate that I can't kiss you or hold you. It hurts to know we are missing such monumental moments in each other's lives. I know that if I allow those feelings to dwell, it will consume me. Instead, I think of all the birthdays that are yet to come. I wish you knew how much you have changed my life. I was cold and hurt and you took your time with me. You allowed me to ease into love. Thank you for your patience as I have tried to figure out ways to unlearn bad habits and adapt to new ones. You have blessed my world and I thank God every day for you. I will love you forever my sweet Isaac.
Your Wife

Friday, January 24, 2020

What We Are Letting Go Of In 2020

It's 2020!! 
I don't know about you, but the start of the new year can be both exciting and intimidating. I sometimes feel this pressure to do a complete 180 in less than 12 months. I have always been a goal setter. My athletic background helped me to understand the determination and persistence to reach my goals. This training, along with other life experiences, has helped me reach incredible heights. Though I was able to reach some goals with ease, other life goals, especially ones that involved other people, took longer and sometimes didn't happen in the year that I wanted. Rejection and let downs were a very unwanted, but necessary friend. It has often taught me patience and humility. Everything in your life has a season and I truly believe this with ALL OF MY HEART. Just because something didn't happen in the time that you wanted, doesn't mean it won't happen at all. When it finally does happen for you, the school you wanted to get into for example or the relationship of your dreams, it will be the sweetest thing in your life because it took more time and work to get there.
Realize that your best life doesn't have to be lived in one year's time. Your growth and achievements can be built over a few years if necessary. Be patient if something you set out to do doesn't happen in the timeframe you set out. Usually, if you keep working at a goal, you will reach it eventually.
In the meantime, it helps to also take time on your inner self. Whether that is increasing your spirituality, or being more honest with yourself and loved ones, developing your character and practicing self-love and love for others will better prepare you emotionally for blessings and success you set out to have in your life.
As we look to this new year of blessings and lessons, we as a family are setting goals to let go of limiting beliefs that hold us back from reaching our greatest potential. We are letting go of the pressure to stay in toxic relationships or environments just to make others happy. We are letting go of the idea that everything needs to happen for us before a certain age and recognizing that some things may take more time. We know that as we do this, we will increase our emotional, mental, physical and spiritual well-being and grow closer to each other and strive for our goals with a healthier and more forgiving mindset.
What are three things you want to let go of this year that will help prepare you for your blessings in the years to come? We want to know! Tonight (or whenever you have time) write down three things you are going to let go of this year. Share it with someone you trust and do it together! I promise that as you do this, you will gain a deeper sense of self-worth and fulfillment while working towards having your best life. I will be doing a post on healthy goal setting in the next few weeks so stay tuned for that!
Happy 2020 everyone!! We are so excited to share this year with all of you and we can't wait for all that is in store!

xoxo, C.


Thursday, January 23, 2020

Saying "Yes"

Saying "no" to something in your life immediately means that you are saying yes to something else. I have always believed that. Actually, my whole life is built on that belief. Saying "no" to things I thought I wanted, as allowed me to say yes to the best things for my life, including authentic friendships, a career path I adore, and a wonderful and loving husband.
For many people, including myself for a very long time, felt uncomfortable saying "no". I would often sacrifice my comfort or happiness to keep others satisfied. It hurt me and drained me and I knew that staying in those situations was keeping me from living my true and glorious potential.
When I first starting dating Isaac, people that were very close to me, and who's opinions weighed heavily, thought that I should let go of the relationship and focus on other things. When I was debating going to Midwifery school, instead of Nursing school, I received a lot of discouraging advice and those close to me thought I would be more secure in Nursing. 
Now I am not here to roast anyone, but I realized something that(at least so far) has truly saved my life. People that you love will say or do anything to protect you, BUT, they also are trying to protect themselves. The risks that you may want to take to improve your life or increase your understanding, may not be the same risks they would want to take for themselves so as a result, they project that fear onto you. Some of it may come from their own personal experiences, which though they are valid for them, it isn't your reality. Most of us do not like being uncomfortable. Most of us don't want to see our loved ones hurt or disappointed, so we stop them. We tell them not to do something or encourage them to do something that would make us feel safe. But the truth is, IT IS NOT ABOUT US. It isn't about us and what we would feel safest doing, it is about the other person and their path (which could look different from our own) and trusting that they are also striving for happiness and success. I have been called out quite a bit for projecting my fears onto the people that I love. I am grateful for those that made me aware and helped me see their point of view. 
Going against the status quo can be hard. It can be lonely. You may be doing something that nobody in your circle or community has ever done and that's ok. You are creating a path for yourself and others. Mistakes will be made, but through that, you gain wisdom and understanding.
Remember that just because not everyone can see your vision, doesn't mean there is no vision. Trust yourself and your path. I promise you, it's worth it!

xoxo, C.


Saturday, October 12, 2019

Heyy There!!

We've been debating this for months. Going back and forth on whether or not we wanted to share our personal truths and experiences more publically. We've known each other for almost three years and have been married for a little over a year. In that time, we have faced so many trials and triumphs together and as individuals that have helped shape us into better partners, friends, and members of our community. 
As Isaac and I continue to learn and grow together, we wanted to create a space where we could share our experiences, joys, and passions. We are excited (and a little nervous) to start our online journal and we are so excited to have all of you join us!

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